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External Links and Articles

FastAPI has a great community constantly growing.

There are many posts, articles, tools, and projects, related to FastAPI.

Here's an incomplete list of some of them.


If you have an article, project, tool, or anything related to FastAPI that is not yet listed here, create a Pull Request adding it.














GitHub Repositories

Most starred GitHub repositories with the topic fastapi:

★ 29409 - full-stack-fastapi-template by @fastapi.

★ 28113 - Hello-Python by @mouredev.

★ 21264 - serve by @jina-ai.

★ 15109 - sqlmodel by @fastapi.

★ 14564 - HivisionIDPhotos by @Zeyi-Lin.

★ 10701 - Douyin_TikTok_Download_API by @Evil0ctal.

★ 10180 - fastapi-best-practices by @zhanymkanov.

★ 9061 - awesome-fastapi by @mjhea0.

★ 8644 - FastUI by @pydantic.

★ 6312 - nonebot2 by @nonebot.

★ 5686 - serge by @serge-chat.

★ 4933 - FileCodeBox by @vastsa.

★ 4849 - fastapi-users by @fastapi-users.

★ 4514 - hatchet by @hatchet-dev.

★ 4319 - chatgpt-web-share by @chatpire.

★ 4216 - polar by @polarsource.

★ 4126 - strawberry by @strawberry-graphql.

★ 4114 - atrilabs-engine by @Atri-Labs.

★ 3874 - dynaconf by @dynaconf.

★ 3746 - poem by @poem-web.

★ 3117 - opyrator by @ml-tooling.

★ 3094 - farfalle by @rashadphz.

★ 3040 - fastapi-admin by @fastapi-admin.

★ 3007 - docarray by @docarray.

★ 2914 - datamodel-code-generator by @koxudaxi.

★ 2840 - fastapi-realworld-example-app by @nsidnev.

★ 2804 - LitServe by @Lightning-AI.

★ 2730 - uvicorn-gunicorn-fastapi-docker by @tiangolo.

★ 2620 - logfire by @pydantic.

★ 2567 - huma by @danielgtaylor.

★ 2494 - tracecat by @TracecatHQ.

★ 2433 - best-of-web-python by @ml-tooling.

★ 2386 - RasaGPT by @paulpierre.

★ 2293 - fastapi-react by @Buuntu.

★ 2256 - nextpy by @dot-agent.

★ 2155 - 30-Days-of-Python by @codingforentrepreneurs.

★ 2121 - FastAPI-template by @s3rius.

★ 2021 - sqladmin by @aminalaee.

★ 2006 - langserve by @langchain-ai.

★ 2002 - fastapi-utils by @fastapiutils.

★ 1967 - solara by @widgetti.

★ 1848 - supabase-py by @supabase.

★ 1832 - python-week-2022 by @rochacbruno.

★ 1789 - mangum by @Kludex.

★ 1711 - manage-fastapi by @ycd.

★ 1701 - ormar by @collerek.

★ 1630 - agentkit by @BCG-X-Official.

★ 1617 - langchain-serve by @jina-ai.

★ 1612 - termpair by @cs01.

★ 1590 - coronavirus-tracker-api by @ExpDev07.

★ 1519 - piccolo by @piccolo-orm.

★ 1449 - fastapi-crudrouter by @awtkns.

★ 1447 - fastapi-cache by @long2ice.

★ 1434 - openapi-python-client by @openapi-generators.

★ 1398 - awesome-fastapi-projects by @Kludex.

★ 1380 - awesome-python-resources by @DjangoEx.

★ 1344 - budgetml by @ebhy.

★ 1339 - slowapi by @laurentS.

★ 1263 - fastapi-pagination by @uriyyo.

★ 1206 - fastapi-boilerplate by @teamhide.

★ 1178 - fastapi-tutorial by @liaogx.

★ 1142 - fastapi-amis-admin by @amisadmin.

★ 1119 - fastapi-code-generator by @koxudaxi.

★ 1116 - bolt-python by @slackapi.

★ 1096 - odmantic by @art049.

★ 1093 - langchain-extract by @langchain-ai.

★ 1078 - fastapi_production_template by @zhanymkanov.

★ 1055 - fastapi-alembic-sqlmodel-async by @jonra1993.

★ 1047 - Kokoro-FastAPI by @remsky.

★ 1036 - prometheus-fastapi-instrumentator by @trallnag.

★ 1018 - SurfSense by @MODSetter.

★ 1010 - bedrock-claude-chat by @aws-samples.

★ 1000 - runhouse by @run-house.

★ 986 - lanarky by @ajndkr.

★ 982 - autollm by @viddexa.

★ 970 - restish by @danielgtaylor.

★ 929 - fastcrud by @igorbenav.

★ 921 - secure by @TypeError.

★ 915 - langcorn by @msoedov.

★ 915 - vue-fastapi-admin by @mizhexiaoxiao.

★ 891 - energy-forecasting by @iusztinpaul.

★ 862 - authx by @yezz123.

★ 823 - titiler by @developmentseed.

★ 798 - marker-api by @adithya-s-k.

★ 774 - FastAPI-boilerplate by @igorbenav.

★ 766 - fastapi_best_architecture by @fastapi-practices.

★ 735 - fastapi-mail by @sabuhish.

★ 725 - annotated-py-projects by @hhstore.

★ 723 - fastapi-do-zero by @dunossauro.

★ 718 - lccn_predictor by @baoliay2008.

★ 718 - fastapi-observability by @blueswen.

★ 708 - chatGPT-web by @mic1on.

★ 701 - learn-generative-ai by @panaverse.

★ 700 - linbing by @taomujian.

★ 692 - FastAPI-Backend-Template by @Aeternalis-Ingenium.

★ 692 - starlette-admin by @jowilf.

★ 674 - fastapi-jwt-auth by @IndominusByte.

★ 663 - pity by @wuranxu.

★ 656 - fastapi_login by @MushroomMaula.