External Links and Articles¶
FastAPI has a great community constantly growing.
There are many posts, articles, tools, and projects, related to FastAPI.
Here's an incomplete list of some of them.
If you have an article, project, tool, or anything related to FastAPI that is not yet listed here, create a Pull Request adding it.
How to profile a FastAPI asynchronous request by Balthazar Rouberol.
Deploy a Serverless FastAPI App with Neon Postgres and AWS App Runner at any scale by Stephen Siegert - Neon.
Building a Machine Learning Microservice with FastAPI by Kurtis Pykes - NVIDIA.
Booking Appointments with Twilio, Notion, and FastAPI by Ravgeet Dhillon - Twilio.
Write a Python data layer with Azure Cosmos DB and FastAPI by Abhinav Tripathi - Microsoft Blogs.
Tips on migrating from Flask to FastAPI and vice-versa by Jessica Temporal.
Explore How to Effectively Use JWT With FastAPI by Ankit Anchlia.
Instrument FastAPI with OpenTelemetry tracing and visualize traces in Grafana Tempo. by Nicoló Lino.
ML serving and monitoring with FastAPI and Evidently by Mikhail Rozhkov, Elena Samuylova.
FastAPI Tutorial in Visual Studio Code by Visual Studio Code Team.
Building a RESTful API with FastAPI: Secure Signup and Login Functionality Included by John Philip.
Building a CRUD API with FastAPI and Supabase by Keshav Malik.
Build an SMS Spam Classifier Serverless Database with FaunaDB and FastAPI by Adejumo Ridwan Suleiman.
FastAPI lambda container: serverless simplified by Raf Rasenberg.
Authorization on FastAPI with Casbin by Teresa N. Fontanella De Santis.
How to monitor FastAPI application performance using Python agent by New Relic.
Building the Poll App From Django Tutorial With FastAPI And React by Jean-Baptiste Rocher.
Seamless FastAPI Configuration with ConfZ by Silvan Melchior.
5 Advanced Features of FastAPI You Should Try by Kaustubh Gupta.
Deploying ML Models as API Using FastAPI and Heroku by Kaustubh Gupta.
Using GitHub Actions to Deploy a FastAPI Project to Heroku by Somraj Saha.
How to Create A Fake Certificate Authority And Generate TLS Certs for FastAPI by @pystar.
Building a realtime ticket booking solution with Kafka, FastAPI, and Ably by Ben Gamble.
Building simple E-Commerce with NuxtJS and FastAPI by Shahriyar(Shako) Rzayev.
Serve a machine learning model using Sklearn, FastAPI and Docker by Rodrigo Arenas.
Building an API with FastAPI and Supabase and Deploying on Deta by Yashasvi Singh.
Deploy FastAPI on Ubuntu and Serve using Caddy 2 Web Server by Navule Pavan Kumar Rao.
Python Facebook messenger webhook with FastAPI on Glitch by Patrick Ladon.
Deploy a dockerized FastAPI application to AWS by Valon Januzaj.
Creating a CRUD App with FastAPI (Part one) by Precious Ndubueze.
Build And Host Fast Data Science Applications Using FastAPI by Farhad Malik.
Deploy FastAPI on Azure App Service by Navule Pavan Kumar Rao.
Machine learning model serving in Python using FastAPI and streamlit by Davide Fiocco.
Build a Secure Twilio Webhook with Python and FastAPI by Twilio.
Build a web API from scratch with FastAPI - the workshop by Sebastián Ramírez (tiangolo).
Build simple API service with Python FastAPI — Part 1 by cuongld2.
Microservice in Python using FastAPI by Paurakh Sharma Humagain.
Real-time Notifications with Python and Postgres by Guillermo Cruz.
Create and Deploy FastAPI app to Heroku without using Docker by Navule Pavan Kumar Rao.
Another Boilerplate to FastAPI: Azure Pipeline CI + Pytest by Arthur Henrique.
Deploy Machine Learning Models with Keras, FastAPI, Redis and Docker by Shane Soh.
Towards Data Science: Deploying Iris Classifications with FastAPI and Docker by Mandy Gu.
TestDriven.io: Developing and Testing an Asynchronous API with FastAPI and Pytest by Michael Herman.
How To Deploy Tensorflow 2.0 Models As An API Service With FastAPI & Docker by Bernard Brenyah.
Using Docker Compose to deploy a lightweight Python REST API with a job queue by Mike Moritz.
Uber: Ludwig v0.2 Adds New Features and Other Improvements to its Deep Learning Toolbox [including a FastAPI server] by Uber Engineering.
How to Deploy a Machine Learning Model by Maarten Grootendorst.
JWT Authentication with FastAPI and AWS Cognito by Johannes Gontrum.
Top 5 Asynchronous Web Frameworks for Python by Ankush Thakur.
Deploying a scikit-learn model with ONNX and FastAPI by Nico Axtmann.
FastAPI authentication revisited: Enabling API key authentication by Nils de Bruin.
FastAPI and Scikit-Learn: Easily Deploy Models by Nick Cortale.
Introduction to the fastapi python framework by Errieta Kostala.
FastAPI — How to add basic and cookie authentication by Nils de Bruin.
FastAPI — Google as an external authentication provider by Nils de Bruin.
Developing FastAPI Application using K8s & AWS by Mukul Mantosh.
Deployment using Docker, Lambda, Aurora, CDK & GH Actions by Devon Ray.
Mastering Soft Delete: Advanced SQLAlchemy Techniques by Shubhendra Kushwaha.
Role based row filtering: Advanced SQLAlchemy Techniques by Shubhendra Kushwaha.
Domain-driven Design mit Python und FastAPI by Marcel Sander (actidoo).
Inbetriebnahme eines scikit-learn-Modells mit ONNX und FastAPI by Nico Axtmann.
REST-API Programmieren mittels Python und dem FastAPI Modul by Felix Schürmeyer.
PythonのWeb frameworkのパフォーマンス比較 (Django, Flask, responder, FastAPI, japronto) by @bee2.
【第4回】FastAPIチュートリアル: toDoアプリを作ってみよう【管理者ページ改良編】 by ライトコードメディア編集部.
【第3回】FastAPIチュートリアル: toDoアプリを作ってみよう【認証・ユーザ登録編】 by ライトコードメディア編集部.
【第2回】FastAPIチュートリアル: ToDoアプリを作ってみよう【モデル構築編】 by ライトコードメディア編集部.
【第1回】FastAPIチュートリアル: ToDoアプリを作ってみよう【環境構築編】 by ライトコードメディア編集部.
Starting With FastAPI and Examining Python's Import System - Episode 72 by Real Python.
Do you dare to press "."? - Episode 247 - Dan #6: SQLModel - use the same models for SQL and FastAPI by Python Bytes FM.
Build The Next Generation Of Python Web Applications With FastAPI - Episode 259 - interview to Sebastían Ramírez (tiangolo) by Podcast.
PyCon AU 2023: Testing asynchronous applications with FastAPI and pytest by Jeny Sadadia.
[VIRTUAL] Py.Amsterdam's flying Software Circus: Intro to FastAPI by Sebastián Ramírez (tiangolo).
PyConBY 2020: Serve ML models easily with FastAPI by Sebastián Ramírez (tiangolo).
GitHub Repositories¶
Most starred GitHub repositories with the topic fastapi
★ 30645 - full-stack-fastapi-template by @fastapi.
★ 28690 - Hello-Python by @mouredev.
★ 15312 - sqlmodel by @fastapi.
★ 14957 - HivisionIDPhotos by @Zeyi-Lin.
★ 11192 - Douyin_TikTok_Download_API by @Evil0ctal.
★ 10501 - fastapi-best-practices by @zhanymkanov.
★ 9193 - awesome-fastapi by @mjhea0.
★ 6433 - nonebot2 by @nonebot.
★ 5699 - serge by @serge-chat.
★ 5534 - FileCodeBox by @vastsa.
★ 4921 - fastapi-users by @fastapi-users.
★ 4598 - polar by @polarsource.
★ 4585 - hatchet by @hatchet-dev.
★ 4318 - chatgpt-web-share by @chatpire.
★ 4180 - strawberry by @strawberry-graphql.
★ 4114 - atrilabs-engine by @Atri-Labs.
★ 3904 - dynaconf by @dynaconf.
★ 3190 - farfalle by @rashadphz.
★ 3119 - opyrator by @ml-tooling.
★ 3086 - fastapi-admin by @fastapi-admin.
★ 3021 - docarray by @docarray.
★ 2988 - datamodel-code-generator by @koxudaxi.
★ 2863 - LitServe by @Lightning-AI.
★ 2850 - fastapi-realworld-example-app by @nsidnev.
★ 2757 - logfire by @pydantic.
★ 2731 - uvicorn-gunicorn-fastapi-docker by @tiangolo.
★ 2700 - huma by @danielgtaylor.
★ 2539 - tracecat by @TracecatHQ.
★ 2460 - best-of-web-python by @ml-tooling.
★ 2401 - RasaGPT by @paulpierre.
★ 2315 - fastapi-react by @Buuntu.
★ 2266 - nextpy by @dot-agent.
★ 2163 - 30-Days-of-Python by @codingforentrepreneurs.
★ 2156 - FastAPI-template by @s3rius.
★ 2051 - sqladmin by @aminalaee.
★ 2025 - langserve by @langchain-ai.
★ 2021 - fastapi-utils by @fastapiutils.
★ 1874 - supabase-py by @supabase.
★ 1829 - python-week-2022 by @rochacbruno.
★ 1771 - Kokoro-FastAPI by @remsky.
★ 1719 - manage-fastapi by @ycd.
★ 1658 - agentkit by @BCG-X-Official.
★ 1618 - langchain-serve by @jina-ai.
★ 1588 - coronavirus-tracker-api by @ExpDev07.
★ 1546 - piccolo by @piccolo-orm.
★ 1478 - fastapi-cache by @long2ice.
★ 1467 - openapi-python-client by @openapi-generators.
★ 1462 - fastapi-crudrouter by @awtkns.
★ 1418 - awesome-fastapi-projects by @Kludex.
★ 1383 - awesome-python-resources by @DjangoEx.
★ 1363 - slowapi by @laurentS.
★ 1284 - fastapi-pagination by @uriyyo.
★ 1234 - fastapi-boilerplate by @teamhide.
★ 1181 - fastapi-tutorial by @liaogx.
★ 1164 - fastapi-amis-admin by @amisadmin.
★ 1132 - fastapi-code-generator by @koxudaxi.
★ 1130 - bolt-python by @slackapi.
★ 1110 - langchain-extract by @langchain-ai.
★ 1093 - fastapi_production_template by @zhanymkanov.
★ 1081 - SurfSense by @MODSetter.
★ 1063 - fastapi-alembic-sqlmodel-async by @jonra1993.
★ 1059 - prometheus-fastapi-instrumentator by @trallnag.
★ 1039 - bedrock-claude-chat by @aws-samples.
★ 1005 - runhouse by @run-house.
★ 987 - vue-fastapi-admin by @mizhexiaoxiao.
★ 984 - restish by @danielgtaylor.
★ 964 - fastcrud by @igorbenav.
★ 898 - energy-forecasting by @iusztinpaul.
★ 841 - titiler by @developmentseed.
★ 820 - FastAPI-boilerplate by @igorbenav.
★ 813 - marker-api by @adithya-s-k.
★ 802 - fastapi_best_architecture by @fastapi-practices.
★ 745 - fastapi-do-zero by @dunossauro.
★ 744 - fastapi-mail by @sabuhish.
★ 743 - fastapi-observability by @blueswen.
★ 741 - lccn_predictor by @baoliay2008.
★ 727 - annotated-py-projects by @hhstore.
★ 714 - learn-generative-ai by @panaverse.
★ 713 - starlette-admin by @jowilf.
★ 712 - chatGPT-web by @mic1on.
★ 709 - FastAPI-Backend-Template by @Aeternalis-Ingenium.
★ 698 - linbing by @taomujian.
★ 687 - KonomiTV by @tsukumijima.
★ 685 - fastapi-jwt-auth by @IndominusByte.
★ 667 - pity by @wuranxu.