پرش به محتویات

General - How To - Recipes


The current page still doesn't have a translation for this language.

But you can help translating it: Contributing.

Here are several pointers to other places in the docs, for general or frequent questions.

Filter Data - Security

To ensure that you don't return more data than you should, read the docs for Tutorial - Response Model - Return Type.

Documentation Tags - OpenAPI

To add tags to your path operations, and group them in the docs UI, read the docs for Tutorial - Path Operation Configurations - Tags.

Documentation Summary and Description - OpenAPI

To add a summary and description to your path operations, and show them in the docs UI, read the docs for Tutorial - Path Operation Configurations - Summary and Description.

Documentation Response description - OpenAPI

To define the description of the response, shown in the docs UI, read the docs for Tutorial - Path Operation Configurations - Response description.

Documentation Deprecate a Path Operation - OpenAPI

To deprecate a path operation, and show it in the docs UI, read the docs for Tutorial - Path Operation Configurations - Deprecation.

Convert any Data to JSON-compatible

To convert any data to JSON-compatible, read the docs for Tutorial - JSON Compatible Encoder.

OpenAPI Metadata - Docs

To add metadata to your OpenAPI schema, including a license, version, contact, etc, read the docs for Tutorial - Metadata and Docs URLs.

OpenAPI Custom URL

To customize the OpenAPI URL (or remove it), read the docs for Tutorial - Metadata and Docs URLs.

OpenAPI Docs URLs

To update the URLs used for the automatically generated docs user interfaces, read the docs for Tutorial - Metadata and Docs URLs.

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