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Простая авторизация по протоколу OAuth2 с токеном типа Bearer

Теперь, отталкиваясь от предыдущей главы, добавим недостающие части, чтобы получить безопасную систему.

Получение имени пользователя и пароля

Для получения имени пользователя и пароля мы будем использовать утилиты безопасности FastAPI.

Протокол OAuth2 определяет, что при использовании "аутентификации по паролю" (которую мы и используем) клиент/пользователь должен передавать поля username и password в полях формы.

В спецификации сказано, что поля должны быть названы именно так. Поэтому user-name или email работать не будут.

Но не волнуйтесь, вы можете показать его конечным пользователям во фронтенде в том виде, в котором хотите.

А ваши модели баз данных могут использовать любые другие имена.

Но при авторизации согласно спецификации, требуется использовать именно эти имена, что даст нам возможность воспользоваться встроенной системой документации API.

В спецификации также указано, что username и password должны передаваться в виде данных формы (так что никакого JSON здесь нет).

Oбласть видимости (scope)

В спецификации также говорится, что клиент может передать еще одно поле формы "scope".

Имя поля формы - scope (в единственном числе), но на самом деле это длинная строка, состоящая из отдельных областей видимости (scopes), разделенных пробелами.

Каждая "область видимости" (scope) - это просто строка (без пробелов).

Обычно они используются для указания уровней доступа, например:

  • users:read или users:write являются распространенными примерами.
  • instagram_basic используется Facebook / Instagram.
  • https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive используется компанией Google.

Дополнительнаяя информация

В OAuth2 "scope" - это просто строка, которая уточняет уровень доступа.

Не имеет значения, содержит ли он другие символы, например :, или является ли он URL.

Эти детали зависят от конкретной реализации.

Для OAuth2 это просто строки.

Код получения имени пользователя и пароля

Для решения задачи давайте воспользуемся утилитами, предоставляемыми FastAPI.


Сначала импортируйте OAuth2PasswordRequestForm и затем используйте ее как зависимость с Depends в эндпоинте /token:

from typing import Annotated

from fastapi import Depends, FastAPI, HTTPException, status
from fastapi.security import OAuth2PasswordBearer, OAuth2PasswordRequestForm
from pydantic import BaseModel

fake_users_db = {
    "johndoe": {
        "username": "johndoe",
        "full_name": "John Doe",
        "email": "johndoe@example.com",
        "hashed_password": "fakehashedsecret",
        "disabled": False,
    "alice": {
        "username": "alice",
        "full_name": "Alice Wonderson",
        "email": "alice@example.com",
        "hashed_password": "fakehashedsecret2",
        "disabled": True,

app = FastAPI()

def fake_hash_password(password: str):
    return "fakehashed" + password

oauth2_scheme = OAuth2PasswordBearer(tokenUrl="token")

class User(BaseModel):
    username: str
    email: str | None = None
    full_name: str | None = None
    disabled: bool | None = None

class UserInDB(User):
    hashed_password: str

def get_user(db, username: str):
    if username in db:
        user_dict = db[username]
        return UserInDB(**user_dict)

def fake_decode_token(token):
    # This doesn't provide any security at all
    # Check the next version
    user = get_user(fake_users_db, token)
    return user

async def get_current_user(token: Annotated[str, Depends(oauth2_scheme)]):
    user = fake_decode_token(token)
    if not user:
        raise HTTPException(
            detail="Invalid authentication credentials",
            headers={"WWW-Authenticate": "Bearer"},
    return user

async def get_current_active_user(
    current_user: Annotated[User, Depends(get_current_user)],
    if current_user.disabled:
        raise HTTPException(status_code=400, detail="Inactive user")
    return current_user

async def login(form_data: Annotated[OAuth2PasswordRequestForm, Depends()]):
    user_dict = fake_users_db.get(form_data.username)
    if not user_dict:
        raise HTTPException(status_code=400, detail="Incorrect username or password")
    user = UserInDB(**user_dict)
    hashed_password = fake_hash_password(form_data.password)
    if not hashed_password == user.hashed_password:
        raise HTTPException(status_code=400, detail="Incorrect username or password")

    return {"access_token": user.username, "token_type": "bearer"}

async def read_users_me(
    current_user: Annotated[User, Depends(get_current_active_user)],
    return current_user
🤓 Other versions and variants
from typing import Annotated, Union

from fastapi import Depends, FastAPI, HTTPException, status
from fastapi.security import OAuth2PasswordBearer, OAuth2PasswordRequestForm
from pydantic import BaseModel

fake_users_db = {
    "johndoe": {
        "username": "johndoe",
        "full_name": "John Doe",
        "email": "johndoe@example.com",
        "hashed_password": "fakehashedsecret",
        "disabled": False,
    "alice": {
        "username": "alice",
        "full_name": "Alice Wonderson",
        "email": "alice@example.com",
        "hashed_password": "fakehashedsecret2",
        "disabled": True,

app = FastAPI()

def fake_hash_password(password: str):
    return "fakehashed" + password

oauth2_scheme = OAuth2PasswordBearer(tokenUrl="token")

class User(BaseModel):
    username: str
    email: Union[str, None] = None
    full_name: Union[str, None] = None
    disabled: Union[bool, None] = None

class UserInDB(User):
    hashed_password: str

def get_user(db, username: str):
    if username in db:
        user_dict = db[username]
        return UserInDB(**user_dict)

def fake_decode_token(token):
    # This doesn't provide any security at all
    # Check the next version
    user = get_user(fake_users_db, token)
    return user

async def get_current_user(token: Annotated[str, Depends(oauth2_scheme)]):
    user = fake_decode_token(token)
    if not user:
        raise HTTPException(
            detail="Invalid authentication credentials",
            headers={"WWW-Authenticate": "Bearer"},
    return user

async def get_current_active_user(
    current_user: Annotated[User, Depends(get_current_user)],
    if current_user.disabled:
        raise HTTPException(status_code=400, detail="Inactive user")
    return current_user

async def login(form_data: Annotated[OAuth2PasswordRequestForm, Depends()]):
    user_dict = fake_users_db.get(form_data.username)
    if not user_dict:
        raise HTTPException(status_code=400, detail="Incorrect username or password")
    user = UserInDB(**user_dict)
    hashed_password = fake_hash_password(form_data.password)
    if not hashed_password == user.hashed_password:
        raise HTTPException(status_code=400, detail="Incorrect username or password")

    return {"access_token": user.username, "token_type": "bearer"}

async def read_users_me(
    current_user: Annotated[User, Depends(get_current_active_user)],
    return current_user
from typing import Union

from fastapi import Depends, FastAPI, HTTPException, status
from fastapi.security import OAuth2PasswordBearer, OAuth2PasswordRequestForm
from pydantic import BaseModel
from typing_extensions import Annotated

fake_users_db = {
    "johndoe": {
        "username": "johndoe",
        "full_name": "John Doe",
        "email": "johndoe@example.com",
        "hashed_password": "fakehashedsecret",
        "disabled": False,
    "alice": {
        "username": "alice",
        "full_name": "Alice Wonderson",
        "email": "alice@example.com",
        "hashed_password": "fakehashedsecret2",
        "disabled": True,

app = FastAPI()

def fake_hash_password(password: str):
    return "fakehashed" + password

oauth2_scheme = OAuth2PasswordBearer(tokenUrl="token")

class User(BaseModel):
    username: str
    email: Union[str, None] = None
    full_name: Union[str, None] = None
    disabled: Union[bool, None] = None

class UserInDB(User):
    hashed_password: str

def get_user(db, username: str):
    if username in db:
        user_dict = db[username]
        return UserInDB(**user_dict)

def fake_decode_token(token):
    # This doesn't provide any security at all
    # Check the next version
    user = get_user(fake_users_db, token)
    return user

async def get_current_user(token: Annotated[str, Depends(oauth2_scheme)]):
    user = fake_decode_token(token)
    if not user:
        raise HTTPException(
            detail="Invalid authentication credentials",
            headers={"WWW-Authenticate": "Bearer"},
    return user

async def get_current_active_user(
    current_user: Annotated[User, Depends(get_current_user)],
    if current_user.disabled:
        raise HTTPException(status_code=400, detail="Inactive user")
    return current_user

async def login(form_data: Annotated[OAuth2PasswordRequestForm, Depends()]):
    user_dict = fake_users_db.get(form_data.username)
    if not user_dict:
        raise HTTPException(status_code=400, detail="Incorrect username or password")
    user = UserInDB(**user_dict)
    hashed_password = fake_hash_password(form_data.password)
    if not hashed_password == user.hashed_password:
        raise HTTPException(status_code=400, detail="Incorrect username or password")

    return {"access_token": user.username, "token_type": "bearer"}

async def read_users_me(
    current_user: Annotated[User, Depends(get_current_active_user)],
    return current_user


Prefer to use the Annotated version if possible.

from fastapi import Depends, FastAPI, HTTPException, status
from fastapi.security import OAuth2PasswordBearer, OAuth2PasswordRequestForm
from pydantic import BaseModel

fake_users_db = {
    "johndoe": {
        "username": "johndoe",
        "full_name": "John Doe",
        "email": "johndoe@example.com",
        "hashed_password": "fakehashedsecret",
        "disabled": False,
    "alice": {
        "username": "alice",
        "full_name": "Alice Wonderson",
        "email": "alice@example.com",
        "hashed_password": "fakehashedsecret2",
        "disabled": True,

app = FastAPI()

def fake_hash_password(password: str):
    return "fakehashed" + password

oauth2_scheme = OAuth2PasswordBearer(tokenUrl="token")

class User(BaseModel):
    username: str
    email: str | None = None
    full_name: str | None = None
    disabled: bool | None = None

class UserInDB(User):
    hashed_password: str

def get_user(db, username: str):
    if username in db:
        user_dict = db[username]
        return UserInDB(**user_dict)

def fake_decode_token(token):
    # This doesn't provide any security at all
    # Check the next version
    user = get_user(fake_users_db, token)
    return user

async def get_current_user(token: str = Depends(oauth2_scheme)):
    user = fake_decode_token(token)
    if not user:
        raise HTTPException(
            detail="Invalid authentication credentials",
            headers={"WWW-Authenticate": "Bearer"},
    return user

async def get_current_active_user(current_user: User = Depends(get_current_user)):
    if current_user.disabled:
        raise HTTPException(status_code=400, detail="Inactive user")
    return current_user

async def login(form_data: OAuth2PasswordRequestForm = Depends()):
    user_dict = fake_users_db.get(form_data.username)
    if not user_dict:
        raise HTTPException(status_code=400, detail="Incorrect username or password")
    user = UserInDB(**user_dict)
    hashed_password = fake_hash_password(form_data.password)
    if not hashed_password == user.hashed_password:
        raise HTTPException(status_code=400, detail="Incorrect username or password")

    return {"access_token": user.username, "token_type": "bearer"}

async def read_users_me(current_user: User = Depends(get_current_active_user)):
    return current_user


Prefer to use the Annotated version if possible.

from typing import Union

from fastapi import Depends, FastAPI, HTTPException, status
from fastapi.security import OAuth2PasswordBearer, OAuth2PasswordRequestForm
from pydantic import BaseModel

fake_users_db = {
    "johndoe": {
        "username": "johndoe",
        "full_name": "John Doe",
        "email": "johndoe@example.com",
        "hashed_password": "fakehashedsecret",
        "disabled": False,
    "alice": {
        "username": "alice",
        "full_name": "Alice Wonderson",
        "email": "alice@example.com",
        "hashed_password": "fakehashedsecret2",
        "disabled": True,

app = FastAPI()

def fake_hash_password(password: str):
    return "fakehashed" + password

oauth2_scheme = OAuth2PasswordBearer(tokenUrl="token")

class User(BaseModel):
    username: str
    email: Union[str, None] = None
    full_name: Union[str, None] = None
    disabled: Union[bool, None] = None

class UserInDB(User):
    hashed_password: str

def get_user(db, username: str):
    if username in db:
        user_dict = db[username]
        return UserInDB(**user_dict)

def fake_decode_token(token):
    # This doesn't provide any security at all
    # Check the next version
    user = get_user(fake_users_db, token)
    return user

async def get_current_user(token: str = Depends(oauth2_scheme)):
    user = fake_decode_token(token)
    if not user:
        raise HTTPException(
            detail="Invalid authentication credentials",
            headers={"WWW-Authenticate": "Bearer"},
    return user

async def get_current_active_user(current_user: User = Depends(get_current_user)):
    if current_user.disabled:
        raise HTTPException(status_code=400, detail="Inactive user")
    return current_user

async def login(form_data: OAuth2PasswordRequestForm = Depends()):
    user_dict = fake_users_db.get(form_data.username)
    if not user_dict:
        raise HTTPException(status_code=400, detail="Incorrect username or password")
    user = UserInDB(**user_dict)
    hashed_password = fake_hash_password(form_data.password)
    if not hashed_password == user.hashed_password:
        raise HTTPException(status_code=400, detail="Incorrect username or password")

    return {"access_token": user.username, "token_type": "bearer"}

async def read_users_me(current_user: User = Depends(get_current_active_user)):
    return current_user

OAuth2PasswordRequestForm - это класс для использования в качестве зависимости для функции обрабатывающей эндпоинт, который определяет тело формы со следующими полями:

  • username.
  • password.
  • Необязательное поле scope в виде большой строки, состоящей из строк, разделенных пробелами.
  • Необязательное поле grant_type.


По спецификации OAuth2 поле grant_type является обязательным и содержит фиксированное значение password, но OAuth2PasswordRequestForm не обеспечивает этого.

Если вам необходимо использовать grant_type, воспользуйтесь OAuth2PasswordRequestFormStrict вместо OAuth2PasswordRequestForm.

  • Необязательное поле client_id (в нашем примере он не нужен).
  • Необязательное поле client_secret (в нашем примере он не нужен).

Дополнительная информация

Форма OAuth2PasswordRequestForm не является специальным классом для FastAPI, как OAuth2PasswordBearer.

OAuth2PasswordBearer указывает FastAPI, что это схема безопасности. Следовательно, она будет добавлена в OpenAPI.

Но OAuth2PasswordRequestForm - это всего лишь класс зависимости, который вы могли бы написать самостоятельно или вы могли бы объявить параметры Form напрямую.

Но, поскольку это распространённый вариант использования, он предоставляется FastAPI напрямую, просто чтобы облегчить задачу.

Использование данных формы


В экземпляре зависимого класса OAuth2PasswordRequestForm атрибут scope, состоящий из одной длинной строки, разделенной пробелами, заменен на атрибут scopes, состоящий из списка отдельных строк, каждая из которых соответствует определенному уровню доступа.

В данном примере мы не используем scopes, но если вам это необходимо, то такая функциональность имеется.

Теперь получим данные о пользователе из (ненастоящей) базы данных, используя username из поля формы.

Если такого пользователя нет, то мы возвращаем ошибку "неверное имя пользователя или пароль".

Для ошибки мы используем исключение HTTPException:

from typing import Annotated

from fastapi import Depends, FastAPI, HTTPException, status
from fastapi.security import OAuth2PasswordBearer, OAuth2PasswordRequestForm
from pydantic import BaseModel

fake_users_db = {
    "johndoe": {
        "username": "johndoe",
        "full_name": "John Doe",
        "email": "johndoe@example.com",
        "hashed_password": "fakehashedsecret",
        "disabled": False,
    "alice": {
        "username": "alice",
        "full_name": "Alice Wonderson",
        "email": "alice@example.com",
        "hashed_password": "fakehashedsecret2",
        "disabled": True,

app = FastAPI()

def fake_hash_password(password: str):
    return "fakehashed" + password

oauth2_scheme = OAuth2PasswordBearer(tokenUrl="token")

class User(BaseModel):
    username: str
    email: str | None = None
    full_name: str | None = None
    disabled: bool | None = None

class UserInDB(User):
    hashed_password: str

def get_user(db, username: str):
    if username in db:
        user_dict = db[username]
        return UserInDB(**user_dict)

def fake_decode_token(token):
    # This doesn't provide any security at all
    # Check the next version
    user = get_user(fake_users_db, token)
    return user

async def get_current_user(token: Annotated[str, Depends(oauth2_scheme)]):
    user = fake_decode_token(token)
    if not user:
        raise HTTPException(
            detail="Invalid authentication credentials",
            headers={"WWW-Authenticate": "Bearer"},
    return user

async def get_current_active_user(
    current_user: Annotated[User, Depends(get_current_user)],
    if current_user.disabled:
        raise HTTPException(status_code=400, detail="Inactive user")
    return current_user

async def login(form_data: Annotated[OAuth2PasswordRequestForm, Depends()]):
    user_dict = fake_users_db.get(form_data.username)
    if not user_dict:
        raise HTTPException(status_code=400, detail="Incorrect username or password")
    user = UserInDB(**user_dict)
    hashed_password = fake_hash_password(form_data.password)
    if not hashed_password == user.hashed_password:
        raise HTTPException(status_code=400, detail="Incorrect username or password")

    return {"access_token": user.username, "token_type": "bearer"}

async def read_users_me(
    current_user: Annotated[User, Depends(get_current_active_user)],
    return current_user
🤓 Other versions and variants
from typing import Annotated, Union

from fastapi import Depends, FastAPI, HTTPException, status
from fastapi.security import OAuth2PasswordBearer, OAuth2PasswordRequestForm
from pydantic import BaseModel

fake_users_db = {
    "johndoe": {
        "username": "johndoe",
        "full_name": "John Doe",
        "email": "johndoe@example.com",
        "hashed_password": "fakehashedsecret",
        "disabled": False,
    "alice": {
        "username": "alice",
        "full_name": "Alice Wonderson",
        "email": "alice@example.com",
        "hashed_password": "fakehashedsecret2",
        "disabled": True,

app = FastAPI()

def fake_hash_password(password: str):
    return "fakehashed" + password

oauth2_scheme = OAuth2PasswordBearer(tokenUrl="token")

class User(BaseModel):
    username: str
    email: Union[str, None] = None
    full_name: Union[str, None] = None
    disabled: Union[bool, None] = None

class UserInDB(User):
    hashed_password: str

def get_user(db, username: str):
    if username in db:
        user_dict = db[username]
        return UserInDB(**user_dict)

def fake_decode_token(token):
    # This doesn't provide any security at all
    # Check the next version
    user = get_user(fake_users_db, token)
    return user

async def get_current_user(token: Annotated[str, Depends(oauth2_scheme)]):
    user = fake_decode_token(token)
    if not user:
        raise HTTPException(
            detail="Invalid authentication credentials",
            headers={"WWW-Authenticate": "Bearer"},
    return user

async def get_current_active_user(
    current_user: Annotated[User, Depends(get_current_user)],
    if current_user.disabled:
        raise HTTPException(status_code=400, detail="Inactive user")
    return current_user

async def login(form_data: Annotated[OAuth2PasswordRequestForm, Depends()]):
    user_dict = fake_users_db.get(form_data.username)
    if not user_dict:
        raise HTTPException(status_code=400, detail="Incorrect username or password")
    user = UserInDB(**user_dict)
    hashed_password = fake_hash_password(form_data.password)
    if not hashed_password == user.hashed_password:
        raise HTTPException(status_code=400, detail="Incorrect username or password")

    return {"access_token": user.username, "token_type": "bearer"}

async def read_users_me(
    current_user: Annotated[User, Depends(get_current_active_user)],
    return current_user
from typing import Union

from fastapi import Depends, FastAPI, HTTPException, status
from fastapi.security import OAuth2PasswordBearer, OAuth2PasswordRequestForm
from pydantic import BaseModel
from typing_extensions import Annotated

fake_users_db = {
    "johndoe": {
        "username": "johndoe",
        "full_name": "John Doe",
        "email": "johndoe@example.com",
        "hashed_password": "fakehashedsecret",
        "disabled": False,
    "alice": {
        "username": "alice",
        "full_name": "Alice Wonderson",
        "email": "alice@example.com",
        "hashed_password": "fakehashedsecret2",
        "disabled": True,

app = FastAPI()

def fake_hash_password(password: str):
    return "fakehashed" + password

oauth2_scheme = OAuth2PasswordBearer(tokenUrl="token")

class User(BaseModel):
    username: str
    email: Union[str, None] = None
    full_name: Union[str, None] = None
    disabled: Union[bool, None] = None

class UserInDB(User):
    hashed_password: str

def get_user(db, username: str):
    if username in db:
        user_dict = db[username]
        return UserInDB(**user_dict)

def fake_decode_token(token):
    # This doesn't provide any security at all
    # Check the next version
    user = get_user(fake_users_db, token)
    return user

async def get_current_user(token: Annotated[str, Depends(oauth2_scheme)]):
    user = fake_decode_token(token)
    if not user:
        raise HTTPException(
            detail="Invalid authentication credentials",
            headers={"WWW-Authenticate": "Bearer"},
    return user

async def get_current_active_user(
    current_user: Annotated[User, Depends(get_current_user)],
    if current_user.disabled:
        raise HTTPException(status_code=400, detail="Inactive user")
    return current_user

async def login(form_data: Annotated[OAuth2PasswordRequestForm, Depends()]):
    user_dict = fake_users_db.get(form_data.username)
    if not user_dict:
        raise HTTPException(status_code=400, detail="Incorrect username or password")
    user = UserInDB(**user_dict)
    hashed_password = fake_hash_password(form_data.password)
    if not hashed_password == user.hashed_password:
        raise HTTPException(status_code=400, detail="Incorrect username or password")

    return {"access_token": user.username, "token_type": "bearer"}

async def read_users_me(
    current_user: Annotated[User, Depends(get_current_active_user)],
    return current_user


Prefer to use the Annotated version if possible.

from fastapi import Depends, FastAPI, HTTPException, status
from fastapi.security import OAuth2PasswordBearer, OAuth2PasswordRequestForm
from pydantic import BaseModel

fake_users_db = {
    "johndoe": {
        "username": "johndoe",
        "full_name": "John Doe",
        "email": "johndoe@example.com",
        "hashed_password": "fakehashedsecret",
        "disabled": False,
    "alice": {
        "username": "alice",
        "full_name": "Alice Wonderson",
        "email": "alice@example.com",
        "hashed_password": "fakehashedsecret2",
        "disabled": True,

app = FastAPI()

def fake_hash_password(password: str):
    return "fakehashed" + password

oauth2_scheme = OAuth2PasswordBearer(tokenUrl="token")

class User(BaseModel):
    username: str
    email: str | None = None
    full_name: str | None = None
    disabled: bool | None = None

class UserInDB(User):
    hashed_password: str

def get_user(db, username: str):
    if username in db:
        user_dict = db[username]
        return UserInDB(**user_dict)

def fake_decode_token(token):
    # This doesn't provide any security at all
    # Check the next version
    user = get_user(fake_users_db, token)
    return user

async def get_current_user(token: str = Depends(oauth2_scheme)):
    user = fake_decode_token(token)
    if not user:
        raise HTTPException(
            detail="Invalid authentication credentials",
            headers={"WWW-Authenticate": "Bearer"},
    return user

async def get_current_active_user(current_user: User = Depends(get_current_user)):
    if current_user.disabled:
        raise HTTPException(status_code=400, detail="Inactive user")
    return current_user

async def login(form_data: OAuth2PasswordRequestForm = Depends()):
    user_dict = fake_users_db.get(form_data.username)
    if not user_dict:
        raise HTTPException(status_code=400, detail="Incorrect username or password")
    user = UserInDB(**user_dict)
    hashed_password = fake_hash_password(form_data.password)
    if not hashed_password == user.hashed_password:
        raise HTTPException(status_code=400, detail="Incorrect username or password")

    return {"access_token": user.username, "token_type": "bearer"}

async def read_users_me(current_user: User = Depends(get_current_active_user)):
    return current_user


Prefer to use the Annotated version if possible.

from typing import Union

from fastapi import Depends, FastAPI, HTTPException, status
from fastapi.security import OAuth2PasswordBearer, OAuth2PasswordRequestForm
from pydantic import BaseModel

fake_users_db = {
    "johndoe": {
        "username": "johndoe",
        "full_name": "John Doe",
        "email": "johndoe@example.com",
        "hashed_password": "fakehashedsecret",
        "disabled": False,
    "alice": {
        "username": "alice",
        "full_name": "Alice Wonderson",
        "email": "alice@example.com",
        "hashed_password": "fakehashedsecret2",
        "disabled": True,

app = FastAPI()

def fake_hash_password(password: str):
    return "fakehashed" + password

oauth2_scheme = OAuth2PasswordBearer(tokenUrl="token")

class User(BaseModel):
    username: str
    email: Union[str, None] = None
    full_name: Union[str, None] = None
    disabled: Union[bool, None] = None

class UserInDB(User):
    hashed_password: str

def get_user(db, username: str):
    if username in db:
        user_dict = db[username]
        return UserInDB(**user_dict)

def fake_decode_token(token):
    # This doesn't provide any security at all
    # Check the next version
    user = get_user(fake_users_db, token)
    return user

async def get_current_user(token: str = Depends(oauth2_scheme)):
    user = fake_decode_token(token)
    if not user:
        raise HTTPException(
            detail="Invalid authentication credentials",
            headers={"WWW-Authenticate": "Bearer"},
    return user

async def get_current_active_user(current_user: User = Depends(get_current_user)):
    if current_user.disabled:
        raise HTTPException(status_code=400, detail="Inactive user")
    return current_user

async def login(form_data: OAuth2PasswordRequestForm = Depends()):
    user_dict = fake_users_db.get(form_data.username)
    if not user_dict:
        raise HTTPException(status_code=400, detail="Incorrect username or password")
    user = UserInDB(**user_dict)
    hashed_password = fake_hash_password(form_data.password)
    if not hashed_password == user.hashed_password:
        raise HTTPException(status_code=400, detail="Incorrect username or password")

    return {"access_token": user.username, "token_type": "bearer"}

async def read_users_me(current_user: User = Depends(get_current_active_user)):
    return current_user

Проверка пароля

На данный момент у нас есть данные о пользователе из нашей базы данных, но мы еще не проверили пароль.

Давайте сначала поместим эти данные в модель Pydantic UserInDB.

Ни в коем случае нельзя сохранять пароли в открытом виде, поэтому мы будем использовать (пока что ненастоящую) систему хеширования паролей.

Если пароли не совпадают, мы возвращаем ту же ошибку.

Хеширование паролей

"Хеширование" означает: преобразование некоторого содержимого (в данном случае пароля) в последовательность байтов (просто строку), которая выглядит как тарабарщина.

Каждый раз, когда вы передаете точно такое же содержимое (точно такой же пароль), вы получаете точно такую же тарабарщину.

Но преобразовать тарабарщину обратно в пароль невозможно.

Зачем использовать хеширование паролей

Если ваша база данных будет украдена, то у вора не будет паролей пользователей в открытом виде, только хэши.

Таким образом, вор не сможет использовать эти же пароли в другой системе (поскольку многие пользователи используют одни и те же пароли повсеместно, это было бы опасно).

from typing import Annotated

from fastapi import Depends, FastAPI, HTTPException, status
from fastapi.security import OAuth2PasswordBearer, OAuth2PasswordRequestForm
from pydantic import BaseModel

fake_users_db = {
    "johndoe": {
        "username": "johndoe",
        "full_name": "John Doe",
        "email": "johndoe@example.com",
        "hashed_password": "fakehashedsecret",
        "disabled": False,
    "alice": {
        "username": "alice",
        "full_name": "Alice Wonderson",
        "email": "alice@example.com",
        "hashed_password": "fakehashedsecret2",
        "disabled": True,

app = FastAPI()

def fake_hash_password(password: str):
    return "fakehashed" + password

oauth2_scheme = OAuth2PasswordBearer(tokenUrl="token")

class User(BaseModel):
    username: str
    email: str | None = None
    full_name: str | None = None
    disabled: bool | None = None

class UserInDB(User):
    hashed_password: str

def get_user(db, username: str):
    if username in db:
        user_dict = db[username]
        return UserInDB(**user_dict)

def fake_decode_token(token):
    # This doesn't provide any security at all
    # Check the next version
    user = get_user(fake_users_db, token)
    return user

async def get_current_user(token: Annotated[str, Depends(oauth2_scheme)]):
    user = fake_decode_token(token)
    if not user:
        raise HTTPException(
            detail="Invalid authentication credentials",
            headers={"WWW-Authenticate": "Bearer"},
    return user

async def get_current_active_user(
    current_user: Annotated[User, Depends(get_current_user)],
    if current_user.disabled:
        raise HTTPException(status_code=400, detail="Inactive user")
    return current_user

async def login(form_data: Annotated[OAuth2PasswordRequestForm, Depends()]):
    user_dict = fake_users_db.get(form_data.username)
    if not user_dict:
        raise HTTPException(status_code=400, detail="Incorrect username or password")
    user = UserInDB(**user_dict)
    hashed_password = fake_hash_password(form_data.password)
    if not hashed_password == user.hashed_password:
        raise HTTPException(status_code=400, detail="Incorrect username or password")

    return {"access_token": user.username, "token_type": "bearer"}

async def read_users_me(
    current_user: Annotated[User, Depends(get_current_active_user)],
    return current_user
🤓 Other versions and variants
from typing import Annotated, Union

from fastapi import Depends, FastAPI, HTTPException, status
from fastapi.security import OAuth2PasswordBearer, OAuth2PasswordRequestForm
from pydantic import BaseModel

fake_users_db = {
    "johndoe": {
        "username": "johndoe",
        "full_name": "John Doe",
        "email": "johndoe@example.com",
        "hashed_password": "fakehashedsecret",
        "disabled": False,
    "alice": {
        "username": "alice",
        "full_name": "Alice Wonderson",
        "email": "alice@example.com",
        "hashed_password": "fakehashedsecret2",
        "disabled": True,

app = FastAPI()

def fake_hash_password(password: str):
    return "fakehashed" + password

oauth2_scheme = OAuth2PasswordBearer(tokenUrl="token")

class User(BaseModel):
    username: str
    email: Union[str, None] = None
    full_name: Union[str, None] = None
    disabled: Union[bool, None] = None

class UserInDB(User):
    hashed_password: str

def get_user(db, username: str):
    if username in db:
        user_dict = db[username]
        return UserInDB(**user_dict)

def fake_decode_token(token):
    # This doesn't provide any security at all
    # Check the next version
    user = get_user(fake_users_db, token)
    return user

async def get_current_user(token: Annotated[str, Depends(oauth2_scheme)]):
    user = fake_decode_token(token)
    if not user:
        raise HTTPException(
            detail="Invalid authentication credentials",
            headers={"WWW-Authenticate": "Bearer"},
    return user

async def get_current_active_user(
    current_user: Annotated[User, Depends(get_current_user)],
    if current_user.disabled:
        raise HTTPException(status_code=400, detail="Inactive user")
    return current_user

async def login(form_data: Annotated[OAuth2PasswordRequestForm, Depends()]):
    user_dict = fake_users_db.get(form_data.username)
    if not user_dict:
        raise HTTPException(status_code=400, detail="Incorrect username or password")
    user = UserInDB(**user_dict)
    hashed_password = fake_hash_password(form_data.password)
    if not hashed_password == user.hashed_password:
        raise HTTPException(status_code=400, detail="Incorrect username or password")

    return {"access_token": user.username, "token_type": "bearer"}

async def read_users_me(
    current_user: Annotated[User, Depends(get_current_active_user)],
    return current_user
from typing import Union

from fastapi import Depends, FastAPI, HTTPException, status
from fastapi.security import OAuth2PasswordBearer, OAuth2PasswordRequestForm
from pydantic import BaseModel
from typing_extensions import Annotated

fake_users_db = {
    "johndoe": {
        "username": "johndoe",
        "full_name": "John Doe",
        "email": "johndoe@example.com",
        "hashed_password": "fakehashedsecret",
        "disabled": False,
    "alice": {
        "username": "alice",
        "full_name": "Alice Wonderson",
        "email": "alice@example.com",
        "hashed_password": "fakehashedsecret2",
        "disabled": True,

app = FastAPI()

def fake_hash_password(password: str):
    return "fakehashed" + password

oauth2_scheme = OAuth2PasswordBearer(tokenUrl="token")

class User(BaseModel):
    username: str
    email: Union[str, None] = None
    full_name: Union[str, None] = None
    disabled: Union[bool, None] = None

class UserInDB(User):
    hashed_password: str

def get_user(db, username: str):
    if username in db:
        user_dict = db[username]
        return UserInDB(**user_dict)

def fake_decode_token(token):
    # This doesn't provide any security at all
    # Check the next version
    user = get_user(fake_users_db, token)
    return user

async def get_current_user(token: Annotated[str, Depends(oauth2_scheme)]):
    user = fake_decode_token(token)
    if not user:
        raise HTTPException(
            detail="Invalid authentication credentials",
            headers={"WWW-Authenticate": "Bearer"},
    return user

async def get_current_active_user(
    current_user: Annotated[User, Depends(get_current_user)],
    if current_user.disabled:
        raise HTTPException(status_code=400, detail="Inactive user")
    return current_user

async def login(form_data: Annotated[OAuth2PasswordRequestForm, Depends()]):
    user_dict = fake_users_db.get(form_data.username)
    if not user_dict:
        raise HTTPException(status_code=400, detail="Incorrect username or password")
    user = UserInDB(**user_dict)
    hashed_password = fake_hash_password(form_data.password)
    if not hashed_password == user.hashed_password:
        raise HTTPException(status_code=400, detail="Incorrect username or password")

    return {"access_token": user.username, "token_type": "bearer"}

async def read_users_me(
    current_user: Annotated[User, Depends(get_current_active_user)],
    return current_user


Prefer to use the Annotated version if possible.

from fastapi import Depends, FastAPI, HTTPException, status
from fastapi.security import OAuth2PasswordBearer, OAuth2PasswordRequestForm
from pydantic import BaseModel

fake_users_db = {
    "johndoe": {
        "username": "johndoe",
        "full_name": "John Doe",
        "email": "johndoe@example.com",
        "hashed_password": "fakehashedsecret",
        "disabled": False,
    "alice": {
        "username": "alice",
        "full_name": "Alice Wonderson",
        "email": "alice@example.com",
        "hashed_password": "fakehashedsecret2",
        "disabled": True,

app = FastAPI()

def fake_hash_password(password: str):
    return "fakehashed" + password

oauth2_scheme = OAuth2PasswordBearer(tokenUrl="token")

class User(BaseModel):
    username: str
    email: str | None = None
    full_name: str | None = None
    disabled: bool | None = None

class UserInDB(User):
    hashed_password: str

def get_user(db, username: str):
    if username in db:
        user_dict = db[username]
        return UserInDB(**user_dict)

def fake_decode_token(token):
    # This doesn't provide any security at all
    # Check the next version
    user = get_user(fake_users_db, token)
    return user

async def get_current_user(token: str = Depends(oauth2_scheme)):
    user = fake_decode_token(token)
    if not user:
        raise HTTPException(
            detail="Invalid authentication credentials",
            headers={"WWW-Authenticate": "Bearer"},
    return user

async def get_current_active_user(current_user: User = Depends(get_current_user)):
    if current_user.disabled:
        raise HTTPException(status_code=400, detail="Inactive user")
    return current_user

async def login(form_data: OAuth2PasswordRequestForm = Depends()):
    user_dict = fake_users_db.get(form_data.username)
    if not user_dict:
        raise HTTPException(status_code=400, detail="Incorrect username or password")
    user = UserInDB(**user_dict)
    hashed_password = fake_hash_password(form_data.password)
    if not hashed_password == user.hashed_password:
        raise HTTPException(status_code=400, detail="Incorrect username or password")

    return {"access_token": user.username, "token_type": "bearer"}

async def read_users_me(current_user: User = Depends(get_current_active_user)):
    return current_user


Prefer to use the Annotated version if possible.

from typing import Union

from fastapi import Depends, FastAPI, HTTPException, status
from fastapi.security import OAuth2PasswordBearer, OAuth2PasswordRequestForm
from pydantic import BaseModel

fake_users_db = {
    "johndoe": {
        "username": "johndoe",
        "full_name": "John Doe",
        "email": "johndoe@example.com",
        "hashed_password": "fakehashedsecret",
        "disabled": False,
    "alice": {
        "username": "alice",
        "full_name": "Alice Wonderson",
        "email": "alice@example.com",
        "hashed_password": "fakehashedsecret2",
        "disabled": True,

app = FastAPI()

def fake_hash_password(password: str):
    return "fakehashed" + password

oauth2_scheme = OAuth2PasswordBearer(tokenUrl="token")

class User(BaseModel):
    username: str
    email: Union[str, None] = None
    full_name: Union[str, None] = None
    disabled: Union[bool, None] = None

class UserInDB(User):
    hashed_password: str

def get_user(db, username: str):
    if username in db:
        user_dict = db[username]
        return UserInDB(**user_dict)

def fake_decode_token(token):
    # This doesn't provide any security at all
    # Check the next version
    user = get_user(fake_users_db, token)
    return user

async def get_current_user(token: str = Depends(oauth2_scheme)):
    user = fake_decode_token(token)
    if not user:
        raise HTTPException(
            detail="Invalid authentication credentials",
            headers={"WWW-Authenticate": "Bearer"},
    return user

async def get_current_active_user(current_user: User = Depends(get_current_user)):
    if current_user.disabled:
        raise HTTPException(status_code=400, detail="Inactive user")
    return current_user

async def login(form_data: OAuth2PasswordRequestForm = Depends()):
    user_dict = fake_users_db.get(form_data.username)
    if not user_dict:
        raise HTTPException(status_code=400, detail="Incorrect username or password")
    user = UserInDB(**user_dict)
    hashed_password = fake_hash_password(form_data.password)
    if not hashed_password == user.hashed_password:
        raise HTTPException(status_code=400, detail="Incorrect username or password")

    return {"access_token": user.username, "token_type": "bearer"}

async def read_users_me(current_user: User = Depends(get_current_active_user)):
    return current_user

Про **user_dict

UserInDB(**user_dict) означает:

Передавать ключи и значения user_dict непосредственно в качестве аргументов ключ-значение, что эквивалентно:

    username = user_dict["username"],
    email = user_dict["email"],
    full_name = user_dict["full_name"],
    disabled = user_dict["disabled"],
    hashed_password = user_dict["hashed_password"],

Дополнительная информация

Более полное объяснение **user_dict можно найти в документации к Дополнительным моделям.

Возврат токена

Ответ эндпоинта token должен представлять собой объект в формате JSON.

Он должен иметь token_type. В нашем случае, поскольку мы используем токены типа "Bearer", тип токена должен быть "bearer".

И в нем должна быть строка access_token, содержащая наш токен доступа.

В этом простом примере мы нарушим все правила безопасности, и будем считать, что имя пользователя (username) полностью соответствует токену (token)


В следующей главе мы рассмотрим реальную защищенную реализацию с хешированием паролей и токенами JWT.

Но пока давайте остановимся на необходимых нам деталях.

from typing import Annotated

from fastapi import Depends, FastAPI, HTTPException, status
from fastapi.security import OAuth2PasswordBearer, OAuth2PasswordRequestForm
from pydantic import BaseModel

fake_users_db = {
    "johndoe": {
        "username": "johndoe",
        "full_name": "John Doe",
        "email": "johndoe@example.com",
        "hashed_password": "fakehashedsecret",
        "disabled": False,
    "alice": {
        "username": "alice",
        "full_name": "Alice Wonderson",
        "email": "alice@example.com",
        "hashed_password": "fakehashedsecret2",
        "disabled": True,

app = FastAPI()

def fake_hash_password(password: str):
    return "fakehashed" + password

oauth2_scheme = OAuth2PasswordBearer(tokenUrl="token")

class User(BaseModel):
    username: str
    email: str | None = None
    full_name: str | None = None
    disabled: bool | None = None

class UserInDB(User):
    hashed_password: str

def get_user(db, username: str):
    if username in db:
        user_dict = db[username]
        return UserInDB(**user_dict)

def fake_decode_token(token):
    # This doesn't provide any security at all
    # Check the next version
    user = get_user(fake_users_db, token)
    return user

async def get_current_user(token: Annotated[str, Depends(oauth2_scheme)]):
    user = fake_decode_token(token)
    if not user:
        raise HTTPException(
            detail="Invalid authentication credentials",
            headers={"WWW-Authenticate": "Bearer"},
    return user

async def get_current_active_user(
    current_user: Annotated[User, Depends(get_current_user)],
    if current_user.disabled:
        raise HTTPException(status_code=400, detail="Inactive user")
    return current_user

async def login(form_data: Annotated[OAuth2PasswordRequestForm, Depends()]):
    user_dict = fake_users_db.get(form_data.username)
    if not user_dict:
        raise HTTPException(status_code=400, detail="Incorrect username or password")
    user = UserInDB(**user_dict)
    hashed_password = fake_hash_password(form_data.password)
    if not hashed_password == user.hashed_password:
        raise HTTPException(status_code=400, detail="Incorrect username or password")

    return {"access_token": user.username, "token_type": "bearer"}

async def read_users_me(
    current_user: Annotated[User, Depends(get_current_active_user)],
    return current_user
🤓 Other versions and variants
from typing import Annotated, Union

from fastapi import Depends, FastAPI, HTTPException, status
from fastapi.security import OAuth2PasswordBearer, OAuth2PasswordRequestForm
from pydantic import BaseModel

fake_users_db = {
    "johndoe": {
        "username": "johndoe",
        "full_name": "John Doe",
        "email": "johndoe@example.com",
        "hashed_password": "fakehashedsecret",
        "disabled": False,
    "alice": {
        "username": "alice",
        "full_name": "Alice Wonderson",
        "email": "alice@example.com",
        "hashed_password": "fakehashedsecret2",
        "disabled": True,

app = FastAPI()

def fake_hash_password(password: str):
    return "fakehashed" + password

oauth2_scheme = OAuth2PasswordBearer(tokenUrl="token")

class User(BaseModel):
    username: str
    email: Union[str, None] = None
    full_name: Union[str, None] = None
    disabled: Union[bool, None] = None

class UserInDB(User):
    hashed_password: str

def get_user(db, username: str):
    if username in db:
        user_dict = db[username]
        return UserInDB(**user_dict)

def fake_decode_token(token):
    # This doesn't provide any security at all
    # Check the next version
    user = get_user(fake_users_db, token)
    return user

async def get_current_user(token: Annotated[str, Depends(oauth2_scheme)]):
    user = fake_decode_token(token)
    if not user:
        raise HTTPException(
            detail="Invalid authentication credentials",
            headers={"WWW-Authenticate": "Bearer"},
    return user

async def get_current_active_user(
    current_user: Annotated[User, Depends(get_current_user)],
    if current_user.disabled:
        raise HTTPException(status_code=400, detail="Inactive user")
    return current_user

async def login(form_data: Annotated[OAuth2PasswordRequestForm, Depends()]):
    user_dict = fake_users_db.get(form_data.username)
    if not user_dict:
        raise HTTPException(status_code=400, detail="Incorrect username or password")
    user = UserInDB(**user_dict)
    hashed_password = fake_hash_password(form_data.password)
    if not hashed_password == user.hashed_password:
        raise HTTPException(status_code=400, detail="Incorrect username or password")

    return {"access_token": user.username, "token_type": "bearer"}

async def read_users_me(
    current_user: Annotated[User, Depends(get_current_active_user)],
    return current_user
from typing import Union

from fastapi import Depends, FastAPI, HTTPException, status
from fastapi.security import OAuth2PasswordBearer, OAuth2PasswordRequestForm
from pydantic import BaseModel
from typing_extensions import Annotated

fake_users_db = {
    "johndoe": {
        "username": "johndoe",
        "full_name": "John Doe",
        "email": "johndoe@example.com",
        "hashed_password": "fakehashedsecret",
        "disabled": False,
    "alice": {
        "username": "alice",
        "full_name": "Alice Wonderson",
        "email": "alice@example.com",
        "hashed_password": "fakehashedsecret2",
        "disabled": True,

app = FastAPI()

def fake_hash_password(password: str):
    return "fakehashed" + password

oauth2_scheme = OAuth2PasswordBearer(tokenUrl="token")

class User(BaseModel):
    username: str
    email: Union[str, None] = None
    full_name: Union[str, None] = None
    disabled: Union[bool, None] = None

class UserInDB(User):
    hashed_password: str

def get_user(db, username: str):
    if username in db:
        user_dict = db[username]
        return UserInDB(**user_dict)

def fake_decode_token(token):
    # This doesn't provide any security at all
    # Check the next version
    user = get_user(fake_users_db, token)
    return user

async def get_current_user(token: Annotated[str, Depends(oauth2_scheme)]):
    user = fake_decode_token(token)
    if not user:
        raise HTTPException(
            detail="Invalid authentication credentials",
            headers={"WWW-Authenticate": "Bearer"},
    return user

async def get_current_active_user(
    current_user: Annotated[User, Depends(get_current_user)],
    if current_user.disabled:
        raise HTTPException(status_code=400, detail="Inactive user")
    return current_user

async def login(form_data: Annotated[OAuth2PasswordRequestForm, Depends()]):
    user_dict = fake_users_db.get(form_data.username)
    if not user_dict:
        raise HTTPException(status_code=400, detail="Incorrect username or password")
    user = UserInDB(**user_dict)
    hashed_password = fake_hash_password(form_data.password)
    if not hashed_password == user.hashed_password:
        raise HTTPException(status_code=400, detail="Incorrect username or password")

    return {"access_token": user.username, "token_type": "bearer"}

async def read_users_me(
    current_user: Annotated[User, Depends(get_current_active_user)],
    return current_user


Prefer to use the Annotated version if possible.

from fastapi import Depends, FastAPI, HTTPException, status
from fastapi.security import OAuth2PasswordBearer, OAuth2PasswordRequestForm
from pydantic import BaseModel

fake_users_db = {
    "johndoe": {
        "username": "johndoe",
        "full_name": "John Doe",
        "email": "johndoe@example.com",
        "hashed_password": "fakehashedsecret",
        "disabled": False,
    "alice": {
        "username": "alice",
        "full_name": "Alice Wonderson",
        "email": "alice@example.com",
        "hashed_password": "fakehashedsecret2",
        "disabled": True,

app = FastAPI()

def fake_hash_password(password: str):
    return "fakehashed" + password

oauth2_scheme = OAuth2PasswordBearer(tokenUrl="token")

class User(BaseModel):
    username: str
    email: str | None = None
    full_name: str | None = None
    disabled: bool | None = None

class UserInDB(User):
    hashed_password: str

def get_user(db, username: str):
    if username in db:
        user_dict = db[username]
        return UserInDB(**user_dict)

def fake_decode_token(token):
    # This doesn't provide any security at all
    # Check the next version
    user = get_user(fake_users_db, token)
    return user

async def get_current_user(token: str = Depends(oauth2_scheme)):
    user = fake_decode_token(token)
    if not user:
        raise HTTPException(
            detail="Invalid authentication credentials",
            headers={"WWW-Authenticate": "Bearer"},
    return user

async def get_current_active_user(current_user: User = Depends(get_current_user)):
    if current_user.disabled:
        raise HTTPException(status_code=400, detail="Inactive user")
    return current_user

async def login(form_data: OAuth2PasswordRequestForm = Depends()):
    user_dict = fake_users_db.get(form_data.username)
    if not user_dict:
        raise HTTPException(status_code=400, detail="Incorrect username or password")
    user = UserInDB(**user_dict)
    hashed_password = fake_hash_password(form_data.password)
    if not hashed_password == user.hashed_password:
        raise HTTPException(status_code=400, detail="Incorrect username or password")

    return {"access_token": user.username, "token_type": "bearer"}

async def read_users_me(current_user: User = Depends(get_current_active_user)):
    return current_user


Prefer to use the Annotated version if possible.

from typing import Union

from fastapi import Depends, FastAPI, HTTPException, status
from fastapi.security import OAuth2PasswordBearer, OAuth2PasswordRequestForm
from pydantic import BaseModel

fake_users_db = {
    "johndoe": {
        "username": "johndoe",
        "full_name": "John Doe",
        "email": "johndoe@example.com",
        "hashed_password": "fakehashedsecret",
        "disabled": False,
    "alice": {
        "username": "alice",
        "full_name": "Alice Wonderson",
        "email": "alice@example.com",
        "hashed_password": "fakehashedsecret2",
        "disabled": True,

app = FastAPI()

def fake_hash_password(password: str):
    return "fakehashed" + password

oauth2_scheme = OAuth2PasswordBearer(tokenUrl="token")

class User(BaseModel):
    username: str
    email: Union[str, None] = None
    full_name: Union[str, None] = None
    disabled: Union[bool, None] = None

class UserInDB(User):
    hashed_password: str

def get_user(db, username: str):
    if username in db:
        user_dict = db[username]
        return UserInDB(**user_dict)

def fake_decode_token(token):
    # This doesn't provide any security at all
    # Check the next version
    user = get_user(fake_users_db, token)
    return user

async def get_current_user(token: str = Depends(oauth2_scheme)):
    user = fake_decode_token(token)
    if not user:
        raise HTTPException(
            detail="Invalid authentication credentials",
            headers={"WWW-Authenticate": "Bearer"},
    return user

async def get_current_active_user(current_user: User = Depends(get_current_user)):
    if current_user.disabled:
        raise HTTPException(status_code=400, detail="Inactive user")
    return current_user

async def login(form_data: OAuth2PasswordRequestForm = Depends()):
    user_dict = fake_users_db.get(form_data.username)
    if not user_dict:
        raise HTTPException(status_code=400, detail="Incorrect username or password")
    user = UserInDB(**user_dict)
    hashed_password = fake_hash_password(form_data.password)
    if not hashed_password == user.hashed_password:
        raise HTTPException(status_code=400, detail="Incorrect username or password")

    return {"access_token": user.username, "token_type": "bearer"}

async def read_users_me(current_user: User = Depends(get_current_active_user)):
    return current_user


Согласно спецификации, вы должны возвращать JSON с access_token и token_type, как в данном примере.

Это то, что вы должны сделать сами в своем коде и убедиться, что вы используете эти JSON-ключи.

Это практически единственное, что нужно не забывать делать самостоятельно, чтобы следовать требованиям спецификации.

Все остальное за вас сделает FastAPI.

Обновление зависимостей

Теперь мы обновим наши зависимости.

Мы хотим получить значение current_user только если этот пользователь активен.

Поэтому мы создаем дополнительную зависимость get_current_active_user, которая, в свою очередь, использует в качестве зависимости get_current_user.

Обе эти зависимости просто вернут HTTP-ошибку, если пользователь не существует или неактивен.

Таким образом, в нашем эндпоинте мы получим пользователя только в том случае, если он существует, правильно аутентифицирован и активен:

from typing import Annotated

from fastapi import Depends, FastAPI, HTTPException, status
from fastapi.security import OAuth2PasswordBearer, OAuth2PasswordRequestForm
from pydantic import BaseModel

fake_users_db = {
    "johndoe": {
        "username": "johndoe",
        "full_name": "John Doe",
        "email": "johndoe@example.com",
        "hashed_password": "fakehashedsecret",
        "disabled": False,
    "alice": {
        "username": "alice",
        "full_name": "Alice Wonderson",
        "email": "alice@example.com",
        "hashed_password": "fakehashedsecret2",
        "disabled": True,

app = FastAPI()

def fake_hash_password(password: str):
    return "fakehashed" + password

oauth2_scheme = OAuth2PasswordBearer(tokenUrl="token")

class User(BaseModel):
    username: str
    email: str | None = None
    full_name: str | None = None
    disabled: bool | None = None

class UserInDB(User):
    hashed_password: str

def get_user(db, username: str):
    if username in db:
        user_dict = db[username]
        return UserInDB(**user_dict)

def fake_decode_token(token):
    # This doesn't provide any security at all
    # Check the next version
    user = get_user(fake_users_db, token)
    return user

async def get_current_user(token: Annotated[str, Depends(oauth2_scheme)]):
    user = fake_decode_token(token)
    if not user:
        raise HTTPException(
            detail="Invalid authentication credentials",
            headers={"WWW-Authenticate": "Bearer"},
    return user

async def get_current_active_user(
    current_user: Annotated[User, Depends(get_current_user)],
    if current_user.disabled:
        raise HTTPException(status_code=400, detail="Inactive user")
    return current_user

async def login(form_data: Annotated[OAuth2PasswordRequestForm, Depends()]):
    user_dict = fake_users_db.get(form_data.username)
    if not user_dict:
        raise HTTPException(status_code=400, detail="Incorrect username or password")
    user = UserInDB(**user_dict)
    hashed_password = fake_hash_password(form_data.password)
    if not hashed_password == user.hashed_password:
        raise HTTPException(status_code=400, detail="Incorrect username or password")

    return {"access_token": user.username, "token_type": "bearer"}

async def read_users_me(
    current_user: Annotated[User, Depends(get_current_active_user)],
    return current_user
🤓 Other versions and variants
from typing import Annotated, Union

from fastapi import Depends, FastAPI, HTTPException, status
from fastapi.security import OAuth2PasswordBearer, OAuth2PasswordRequestForm
from pydantic import BaseModel

fake_users_db = {
    "johndoe": {
        "username": "johndoe",
        "full_name": "John Doe",
        "email": "johndoe@example.com",
        "hashed_password": "fakehashedsecret",
        "disabled": False,
    "alice": {
        "username": "alice",
        "full_name": "Alice Wonderson",
        "email": "alice@example.com",
        "hashed_password": "fakehashedsecret2",
        "disabled": True,

app = FastAPI()

def fake_hash_password(password: str):
    return "fakehashed" + password

oauth2_scheme = OAuth2PasswordBearer(tokenUrl="token")

class User(BaseModel):
    username: str
    email: Union[str, None] = None
    full_name: Union[str, None] = None
    disabled: Union[bool, None] = None

class UserInDB(User):
    hashed_password: str

def get_user(db, username: str):
    if username in db:
        user_dict = db[username]
        return UserInDB(**user_dict)

def fake_decode_token(token):
    # This doesn't provide any security at all
    # Check the next version
    user = get_user(fake_users_db, token)
    return user

async def get_current_user(token: Annotated[str, Depends(oauth2_scheme)]):
    user = fake_decode_token(token)
    if not user:
        raise HTTPException(
            detail="Invalid authentication credentials",
            headers={"WWW-Authenticate": "Bearer"},
    return user

async def get_current_active_user(
    current_user: Annotated[User, Depends(get_current_user)],
    if current_user.disabled:
        raise HTTPException(status_code=400, detail="Inactive user")
    return current_user

async def login(form_data: Annotated[OAuth2PasswordRequestForm, Depends()]):
    user_dict = fake_users_db.get(form_data.username)
    if not user_dict:
        raise HTTPException(status_code=400, detail="Incorrect username or password")
    user = UserInDB(**user_dict)
    hashed_password = fake_hash_password(form_data.password)
    if not hashed_password == user.hashed_password:
        raise HTTPException(status_code=400, detail="Incorrect username or password")

    return {"access_token": user.username, "token_type": "bearer"}

async def read_users_me(
    current_user: Annotated[User, Depends(get_current_active_user)],
    return current_user
from typing import Union

from fastapi import Depends, FastAPI, HTTPException, status
from fastapi.security import OAuth2PasswordBearer, OAuth2PasswordRequestForm
from pydantic import BaseModel
from typing_extensions import Annotated

fake_users_db = {
    "johndoe": {
        "username": "johndoe",
        "full_name": "John Doe",
        "email": "johndoe@example.com",
        "hashed_password": "fakehashedsecret",
        "disabled": False,
    "alice": {
        "username": "alice",
        "full_name": "Alice Wonderson",
        "email": "alice@example.com",
        "hashed_password": "fakehashedsecret2",
        "disabled": True,

app = FastAPI()

def fake_hash_password(password: str):
    return "fakehashed" + password

oauth2_scheme = OAuth2PasswordBearer(tokenUrl="token")

class User(BaseModel):
    username: str
    email: Union[str, None] = None
    full_name: Union[str, None] = None
    disabled: Union[bool, None] = None

class UserInDB(User):
    hashed_password: str

def get_user(db, username: str):
    if username in db:
        user_dict = db[username]
        return UserInDB(**user_dict)

def fake_decode_token(token):
    # This doesn't provide any security at all
    # Check the next version
    user = get_user(fake_users_db, token)
    return user

async def get_current_user(token: Annotated[str, Depends(oauth2_scheme)]):
    user = fake_decode_token(token)
    if not user:
        raise HTTPException(
            detail="Invalid authentication credentials",
            headers={"WWW-Authenticate": "Bearer"},
    return user

async def get_current_active_user(
    current_user: Annotated[User, Depends(get_current_user)],
    if current_user.disabled:
        raise HTTPException(status_code=400, detail="Inactive user")
    return current_user

async def login(form_data: Annotated[OAuth2PasswordRequestForm, Depends()]):
    user_dict = fake_users_db.get(form_data.username)
    if not user_dict:
        raise HTTPException(status_code=400, detail="Incorrect username or password")
    user = UserInDB(**user_dict)
    hashed_password = fake_hash_password(form_data.password)
    if not hashed_password == user.hashed_password:
        raise HTTPException(status_code=400, detail="Incorrect username or password")

    return {"access_token": user.username, "token_type": "bearer"}

async def read_users_me(
    current_user: Annotated[User, Depends(get_current_active_user)],
    return current_user


Prefer to use the Annotated version if possible.

from fastapi import Depends, FastAPI, HTTPException, status
from fastapi.security import OAuth2PasswordBearer, OAuth2PasswordRequestForm
from pydantic import BaseModel

fake_users_db = {
    "johndoe": {
        "username": "johndoe",
        "full_name": "John Doe",
        "email": "johndoe@example.com",
        "hashed_password": "fakehashedsecret",
        "disabled": False,
    "alice": {
        "username": "alice",
        "full_name": "Alice Wonderson",
        "email": "alice@example.com",
        "hashed_password": "fakehashedsecret2",
        "disabled": True,

app = FastAPI()

def fake_hash_password(password: str):
    return "fakehashed" + password

oauth2_scheme = OAuth2PasswordBearer(tokenUrl="token")

class User(BaseModel):
    username: str
    email: str | None = None
    full_name: str | None = None
    disabled: bool | None = None

class UserInDB(User):
    hashed_password: str

def get_user(db, username: str):
    if username in db:
        user_dict = db[username]
        return UserInDB(**user_dict)

def fake_decode_token(token):
    # This doesn't provide any security at all
    # Check the next version
    user = get_user(fake_users_db, token)
    return user

async def get_current_user(token: str = Depends(oauth2_scheme)):
    user = fake_decode_token(token)
    if not user:
        raise HTTPException(
            detail="Invalid authentication credentials",
            headers={"WWW-Authenticate": "Bearer"},
    return user

async def get_current_active_user(current_user: User = Depends(get_current_user)):
    if current_user.disabled:
        raise HTTPException(status_code=400, detail="Inactive user")
    return current_user

async def login(form_data: OAuth2PasswordRequestForm = Depends()):
    user_dict = fake_users_db.get(form_data.username)
    if not user_dict:
        raise HTTPException(status_code=400, detail="Incorrect username or password")
    user = UserInDB(**user_dict)
    hashed_password = fake_hash_password(form_data.password)
    if not hashed_password == user.hashed_password:
        raise HTTPException(status_code=400, detail="Incorrect username or password")

    return {"access_token": user.username, "token_type": "bearer"}

async def read_users_me(current_user: User = Depends(get_current_active_user)):
    return current_user


Prefer to use the Annotated version if possible.

from typing import Union

from fastapi import Depends, FastAPI, HTTPException, status
from fastapi.security import OAuth2PasswordBearer, OAuth2PasswordRequestForm
from pydantic import BaseModel

fake_users_db = {
    "johndoe": {
        "username": "johndoe",
        "full_name": "John Doe",
        "email": "johndoe@example.com",
        "hashed_password": "fakehashedsecret",
        "disabled": False,
    "alice": {
        "username": "alice",
        "full_name": "Alice Wonderson",
        "email": "alice@example.com",
        "hashed_password": "fakehashedsecret2",
        "disabled": True,

app = FastAPI()

def fake_hash_password(password: str):
    return "fakehashed" + password

oauth2_scheme = OAuth2PasswordBearer(tokenUrl="token")

class User(BaseModel):
    username: str
    email: Union[str, None] = None
    full_name: Union[str, None] = None
    disabled: Union[bool, None] = None

class UserInDB(User):
    hashed_password: str

def get_user(db, username: str):
    if username in db:
        user_dict = db[username]
        return UserInDB(**user_dict)

def fake_decode_token(token):
    # This doesn't provide any security at all
    # Check the next version
    user = get_user(fake_users_db, token)
    return user

async def get_current_user(token: str = Depends(oauth2_scheme)):
    user = fake_decode_token(token)
    if not user:
        raise HTTPException(
            detail="Invalid authentication credentials",
            headers={"WWW-Authenticate": "Bearer"},
    return user

async def get_current_active_user(current_user: User = Depends(get_current_user)):
    if current_user.disabled:
        raise HTTPException(status_code=400, detail="Inactive user")
    return current_user

async def login(form_data: OAuth2PasswordRequestForm = Depends()):
    user_dict = fake_users_db.get(form_data.username)
    if not user_dict:
        raise HTTPException(status_code=400, detail="Incorrect username or password")
    user = UserInDB(**user_dict)
    hashed_password = fake_hash_password(form_data.password)
    if not hashed_password == user.hashed_password:
        raise HTTPException(status_code=400, detail="Incorrect username or password")

    return {"access_token": user.username, "token_type": "bearer"}

async def read_users_me(current_user: User = Depends(get_current_active_user)):
    return current_user

Дополнительная информация

Дополнительный заголовок WWW-Authenticate со значением Bearer, который мы здесь возвращаем, также является частью спецификации.

Ответ сервера с HTTP-кодом 401 "UNAUTHORIZED" должен также возвращать заголовок WWW-Authenticate.

В случае с bearer-токенами (наш случай) значение этого заголовка должно быть Bearer.

На самом деле этот дополнительный заголовок можно пропустить и все будет работать.

Но он приведён здесь для соответствия спецификации.

Кроме того, могут существовать инструменты, которые ожидают его и могут использовать, и это может быть полезно для вас или ваших пользователей сейчас или в будущем.

В этом и заключается преимущество стандартов...

Посмотим как это работает

Откроем интерактивную документацию:


Нажмите кнопку "Авторизация".

Используйте учётные данные:

Пользователь: johndoe

Пароль: secret

После авторизации в системе вы увидите следующее:

Получение собственных пользовательских данных

Теперь, используя операцию GET с путем /users/me, вы получите данные пользователя, например:

  "username": "johndoe",
  "email": "johndoe@example.com",
  "full_name": "John Doe",
  "disabled": false,
  "hashed_password": "fakehashedsecret"

Если щелкнуть на значке замка и выйти из системы, а затем попытаться выполнить ту же операцию ещё раз, то будет выдана ошибка HTTP 401:

  "detail": "Not authenticated"

Неактивный пользователь

Теперь попробуйте пройти аутентификацию с неактивным пользователем:

Пользователь: alice

Пароль: secret2

И попробуйте использовать операцию GET с путем /users/me.

Вы получите ошибку "Inactive user", как тут:

  "detail": "Inactive user"


Теперь у вас есть инструменты для реализации полноценной системы безопасности на основе имени пользователя и пароля для вашего API.

Используя эти средства, можно сделать систему безопасности совместимой с любой базой данных, с любым пользователем или моделью данных.

Единственным недостатком нашей системы является то, что она всё ещё не защищена.

В следующей главе вы увидите, как использовать библиотеку безопасного хеширования паролей и токены JWT.