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🕐❔ 👆 ✍ FastAPI ➡ 🛠️ 👆 💪 🛎 📨 🙆 📊 ⚪️➡️ ⚫️: dict, list, Pydantic 🏷, 💽 🏷, ♒️.

🔢, FastAPI 🔜 🔁 🗜 👈 📨 💲 🎻 ⚙️ jsonable_encoder 🔬 🎻 🔗 🔢.

⤴️, ⛅ 🎑, ⚫️ 🔜 🚮 👈 🎻-🔗 💽 (✅ dict) 🔘 JSONResponse 👈 🔜 ⚙️ 📨 📨 👩‍💻.

✋️ 👆 💪 📨 JSONResponse 🔗 ⚪️➡️ 👆 ➡ 🛠️.

⚫️ 💪 ⚠, 🖼, 📨 🛃 🎚 ⚖️ 🍪.

📨 Response

👐, 👆 💪 📨 🙆 Response ⚖️ 🙆 🎧-🎓 ⚫️.


JSONResponse ⚫️ 🎧-🎓 Response.

& 🕐❔ 👆 📨 Response, FastAPI 🔜 🚶‍♀️ ⚫️ 🔗.

⚫️ 🏆 🚫 🙆 💽 🛠️ ⏮️ Pydantic 🏷, ⚫️ 🏆 🚫 🗜 🎚 🙆 🆎, ♒️.

👉 🤝 👆 📚 💪. 👆 💪 📨 🙆 📊 🆎, 🔐 🙆 💽 📄 ⚖️ 🔬, ♒️.

⚙️ jsonable_encoder Response

↩️ FastAPI 🚫 🙆 🔀 Response 👆 📨, 👆 ✔️ ⚒ 💭 ⚫️ 🎚 🔜 ⚫️.

🖼, 👆 🚫🔜 🚮 Pydantic 🏷 JSONResponse 🍵 🥇 🏭 ⚫️ dict ⏮️ 🌐 📊 🆎 (💖 datetime, UUID, ♒️) 🗜 🎻-🔗 🆎.

📚 💼, 👆 💪 ⚙️ jsonable_encoder 🗜 👆 📊 ⏭ 🚶‍♀️ ⚫️ 📨:

from datetime import datetime
from typing import Union

from fastapi import FastAPI
from fastapi.encoders import jsonable_encoder
from fastapi.responses import JSONResponse
from pydantic import BaseModel

class Item(BaseModel):
    title: str
    timestamp: datetime
    description: Union[str, None] = None

app = FastAPI()

def update_item(id: str, item: Item):
    json_compatible_item_data = jsonable_encoder(item)
    return JSONResponse(content=json_compatible_item_data)

"📡 ℹ"

👆 💪 ⚙️ from starlette.responses import JSONResponse.

FastAPI 🚚 🎏 starlette.responses fastapi.responses 🏪 👆, 👩‍💻. ✋️ 🌅 💪 📨 👟 🔗 ⚪️➡️ 💃.

🛬 🛃 Response

🖼 🔛 🎦 🌐 🍕 👆 💪, ✋️ ⚫️ 🚫 📶 ⚠, 👆 💪 ✔️ 📨 item 🔗, & FastAPI 🔜 🚮 ⚫️ JSONResponse 👆, 🏭 ⚫️ dict, ♒️. 🌐 👈 🔢.

🔜, ➡️ 👀 ❔ 👆 💪 ⚙️ 👈 📨 🛃 📨.

➡️ 💬 👈 👆 💚 📨 📂 📨.

👆 💪 🚮 👆 📂 🎚 🎻, 🚮 ⚫️ Response, & 📨 ⚫️:

from fastapi import FastAPI, Response

app = FastAPI()

def get_legacy_data():
    data = """<?xml version="1.0"?>
        Apply shampoo here.
        You'll have to use soap here.
    return Response(content=data, media_type="application/xml")


🕐❔ 👆 📨 Response 🔗 🚮 📊 🚫 ✔, 🗜 (🎻), 🚫 📄 🔁.

✋️ 👆 💪 📄 ⚫️ 🔬 🌖 📨 🗄.

👆 💪 👀 ⏪ 📄 ❔ ⚙️/📣 👉 🛃 ResponseⓂ ⏪ ✔️ 🏧 💽 🛠️, 🧾, ♒️.